
Visiting zoos is what I like to do since I was a child. My parents bought me most of the times a plastic animal from the zooshop. Playing with them, creating an African savannah or just exibits with animals in was what I liked to do. Off course the animals where in all sizes, but I didn't mind. However when growing up, I thought about creating my own miniature zoo. And only a few years ago, when moving to a bigger house there was the space to do it.

But how would I start? And would I still like working on it? It was a childhood dream but I'm an adult now. And what kind of animals would I use?

First was the choice between types of zoos. Zoos often have a rich history and with so many books on the shelf about the history of zoos I had been thinking about that. But that would mean animals in small exibits. It is space effective, but would I like working on that? After thinking about it, the choice was to made a modern zoo. A bit research learned there where several h0 scale animals of Preiser, Noch and other suppliers. A bit later I discovered 3D-printing so the choice of animals is bigger.

Before starting with the real construction, a drawing was made with the zoo layout in h0 scale. It gave me an idea about the possibilities. Would I like it, won't it be to big, do I like working on it, and so on. Making some buildings based on the layout helped a lot. Yes, I like this.

Next step was constructing a 'table' on the attic. This is 2m46 on 1m54. A small part of the zoo is reading but work goes on for the next years, creating more exibits and expanding the zoo.



Fencing for the northern savanna

Fencing is being placed on the northern savanna. This area will probably house blue wildebeest and a red hartebeest.
Crocodile house nearing completion

The crocodile house is almost finished. I will add some plants later and maybe a flock of weaverbirds.
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